Does This Sound Like You?

  • Do you want to make more money?
  • Do you feel lost in life?
  • Do you feel like you aren't good enough?
  • You lack self esteem or self confidence?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then this course if for you.

This 30-day course promises to guide you from self-doubt to dream-chasing!

Hey there! Ready to make some real changes? Our course dives right into fixing that mindset, boosting your confidence, and getting you moving towards better health & fitness. Got some things you need to let go of? We've got a cool 'Forgiveness Day' and an even cooler 'Burn Your Insecurities Day'—yep, we'll actually burn them! It's personal growth, but with a fun twist.

This isn't some course you've gotta sit down for hours at a time to get through. It's pre-recorded and totally on your schedule. Busy with the kids? Pop it on after they've gone to bed. Always on the move with work or school? Just listen while you're getting ready or commuting.

Join us for this 30-day ride. By the end, you'll be amazed at how ready you feel to tackle those big dreams you've been holding back on.

Testimonial #1

Taylour has taken this course multiple times and it has transformed her life in SO many different ways. She was not only able to make more $ but she was able to SAVE $$$. Got her dream home, paid off her car, started new hobbies she always wanted to do & more!

Testimonial #2

Jessica hasn't even finished the course and already her life has changed for the better, if it works for her it can work for you!

Testimonial #3

Sarah says even though she had a horrible day she was able to power through it with a smile because this course taught her the skills and tools to be able to handle those situations and not let it affect you in a negative way. Life will never be perfect, we are going to be thrown curveballs but it is SO important to learn how to deal with those situations when they come up so we don't let them ruin our day. This course will help you for the rest of your life!

Meet Your Mentor: Hi I'm Channon!

Right now, I've got a pretty sweet life. I'm surrounded by an amazing family, can take work calls in my pajamas, and basically live life on my own terms. But let me tell you, it hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows.

In a nutshell (though if you want the whole rollercoaster ride, check out my audiobooks 'The Story Of Channon Rose Part 1 & Part 2'), my past was... messy. I dealt with some heavy stuff like child prostitution, drug addiction, and a bunch of stays in psychiatric hospitals. To put it bluntly, a lot of folks, including me, thought I wouldn't make it to my 30s. Heck, my mom was half-expecting a tragic phone call any day.

But here's the game-changer: one day, I decided I had to get my head straight. I realized that a lot of my reality was shaped by my mindset. So, I went from constantly seeing the glass half-empty to finding something to be thankful for, even on the crummiest days. It sounds simple, but that shift? It changed everything for me.

That’s what 'Level Up Your Life' is all about. It's me handing over the playbook on how I turned things around, focusing on the power of a positive mindset. I want to show you how to wake up feeling good, let go of old baggage, charge into your future, and be your true, awesome self—without worrying about what anyone else thinks.

Look, my climb from the bottom to here was no picnic. But with the right attitude and a few tricks up my sleeve, I built a life I genuinely love. I'm here to help you do that too. So, are you in?

Ready to Rewrite Your Story?

Listen, life's too short for maybes. I've been where you might be right now, and I promise you, there's a brighter, better path waiting. The tools, insights, and lessons in 'Level Up Your Life' are the real deal – stuff that changed my life. If I could do it, you sure as heck can too.

Don't put off the chance to transform, to find that happiness and purpose you deserve. Dive in now, take the leap, and let's start this journey together.

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